Sunday, January 3, 2010

Slow Week? Its Goal Time!

Coming off all the hustle and craziness of 2009, last week was a weird week. It was so slow.

Plant shutdowns and vacations have stalled interviews and potential offers.

It's strange, but it was a chance to take a breath, block out the now limited day to day distractions and set some goals for 2010.

Below is a checklist for setting goals with your employees. This information was obtained from

Gotta love the Internet! Happy New Year!


1) Develop a clear idea or illustration of the end result that you need accomplished. This includes the reason for the goal, timeline and equipment or materials that will be needed.

2) Identify specific measurable results for the goal. The result should not be subjective and general like improve performance. It must be specific and have a quantity and dates attached to it such as "make 200 widgets by March 1st.

3) For larger projects or tasks break them down into smaller more manageable steps. Set mini-goals to reach the larger goal.

4) Communicate the goal to the employee both verbally and in writing. Get their input to make certain that the specifics work and the goal is attainable. They may tell you about new equipment or other resources that they need to reach the goal.

5) Encourage employee ideas and involvement in formalizing the goal. You may add their steps or make some changes in your ideas.

6) Set up and hold progress meetings on the goal. Don't wait for the due date to find out that a tornado in another part of the country delayed shipment of a critical part. During progress meetings you may make some changes in the goal.

7) Recognize achievement of goals. This could be as simple as a thank you or more elaborate based on where you work. If you do performance appraisals achievement of goals should certainly be written into the document.
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