Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here's to Keeping Everyone Healthy in 2010

I was pretty sick over the holidays.

I'll spare you the gorey details. You've all been there. I was out for five days. Even daytime television, which is the best part about being sick, got boring.

Is there anything I could have done to avoid it? I don't know.

It was interesting though, last week I read a fantastic article about workplace wellness. Here is a link to it:

How many of these have you implemented at your workplace or consistently follow?

I didn't follow all these, and may have paid the price because of it, although I did successfully stay away from the office while sick. You're welcome QPS Staff!

Some other observations:

1) Regarding Staying Hydrated. What about posting the benefits of drinking ample water right next to the coffee machine? Or maybe giving everyone a logo water bottle when they start?

2) Regarding Hand Sanitizer: Boy it would have been great to get into this business five years ago? QPS has hand sanitizer everywhere. All of our employees received a bottle, but the largest is in the lobby for visitors.

3) Regarding Keeping Workplaces Clean: In addition to asking employees to keep their workstation clean, many after hours cleaning services offer additional services to keep the office sanitized.

Have a great week!
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1 comment:

Anne said...

On behalf of myself and everyone else who has cubicles/offices near you, thanks for staying home :)

Good tips!