Friday, April 17, 2009

How to Improve Employee Morale---For Free!

How to Improve Employee Morale---For Free!


While there appears to be signs of a recovery on the horizon; due to additional workload, even your best employees are probably stressed out. Overall, negative info is pretty hard to escape, be it news outlets, the Internet, or the cranky co-worker over the pod wall offering endless tales of despair. (I think every office has one)

I'm taking a shot in the dark---but my guess is that HR departments are not sitting on a hefty budget for boosting employee morale. (If you are, Please Call!) But fear not, as your trusted contingency recruiter---I've done some research and come up with a few things you can do for free that will boost employee morale. Most center around organizations using their power of numbers to receive discounts or benefits. Perhaps you're doing some of these already. Please see below and contact me with something your organization does that I could include in a follow-up to all later this year.

Give Wellness a Shot in the Arm - As email and the Internet have made us more stationary then ever before, wellness has become the hottest topic in Human Resources. (Well, before the economy started to really struggle.) As a value-add to your employees, consider partnering with a local gym, which will likely offer discounts or waive a new member's joining fee for the opportunity to do bulk business with your employees. Also, as the weather continues to improve, try mapping out and posting 15, 30, and 1 hour walk routes to and from your office. Hopefully team members will get out over lunch and enjoy the weather, returning re-energized for the afternoon.

Bring the Services to Them-Quick picture: You're out of work at 5:15 with picking up dinner, the kids, and gas as the errands to tackle on the way home from work. You'd do anything to avoid the dry cleaners that's a 1.5 miles in the other direction. Well just as a reminder, most offer free drop-off and pick-up at your office. Often times, free signage is also available from the company to post for your employees to advertise the program.

Expand their Minds -Consider a lunch n' learn program by partnering with local businesses. Stress Management experts, fitness specialists, chiropracters, and other service providers will often gladly deliver an informative presentation on-site, in exchange for the opportunity to make new contacts. With the event over lunch, employees get a break from the day, but without any cost to the employer.

Try a Competition-Most people probably have a competitive spirit somewhere. By copying a show like the Biggest Loser, employees can accomplish personal goals while at the workplace, and compete on a team basis with others so individual results are confidential. Also, consider a pot-luck competition, it will allow employees to show their skills, while getting everyone together to interact.

This week's hot job list is below. Please have your referral contact me if interested in any of these opportunities.

Enjoy the fantastic weather!


Customer Support Manager- (Engineering Focus) Milwaukee

Senior Project Engineer- Oak Creek

Electrical Engineer-New Berlin

Product Engineering Manager-Madison

Process Engineer-Burlington
Share Recruiting 24/7

1 comment:

Chalker24 said...

Beer Capitol Meister, as usual your blogs are spot on. However, you might consider a couple other options for boosting employee moral. One being creating a cause they can stand behind, such as a green committee. This has been implemented at my company and has gone over great!

Thanks for the blog!